Today we tip our hat to Holiday Express, a generous organization who has spent the last month touring and spreading holiday joy. Holiday Express, founded in 1993 by Tim McLoone, works year ’round to deliver “the gift of human kindness” to adults and children in need. We at desantis have had the privilege of rebranding Holiday Express. A large part of this rebranding process was the redesign of the website. We were so pleased with the results of the redesign.
We rebuilt from the ground up, beginning with the new logo, which was a streamlined and updated take on the old logo. We sought to capture the bright and cheerful heart of Holiday Express. The homepage became a place where visitors can quickly and easily see what’s new to Holiday Express. Another emphasis was capturing the year ’round aspect of the organization. The addition of the light blue to the Holiday Express color palette helps to remind visitors that Holiday Express serves all 12 months of the year, not just during the holiday season. Additionally, the new website is built in Joomla, a content management system, that makes updating content simple and efficient.
New site:
Old site: