It pains us to see New Jersey lose one of the few teams that bears its name to New York. (As if the Giants and Jets who actually make their home in New Jersey and are called New York’s isn’t enough.) But what pains us even more, here at desantis creative, is to see the branding of our former team put in the hands of a hip-hop artist and not a designer.
While we can admire the simplicity of this one color logo, we also are quite frustrated by the mishandled and distorted type. The more a logo is simplified, the more care must be taken into handling the small details of the logo. Here we see type set on a curve, which of course is very common, but the “s” in particular has been distorted in a way it was never intended to be. It hurts the integrity of the clean and simple typeface that is being used.

Of course we’re somewhat bitter New Jerseyans and perhaps a bit biased, so take our opinion with a grain of salt. Personally we feel that the branding is not as polished as it could be and we also feel that there should have been a name changed involved. They are the New Jersey Nets. If you’re gonna take our team Brooklyn, at least give them a new name, for they are no longer our Nets they should be no one’s Nets.
What do you think? Do you like the new branding? Are you as pained as we are? Should they have changed the name? “Good riddance”? Don’t let our bitterness sway you. Feel free to disagree with us. People of New Jersey! Designers! Basketball fans! Let us hear you!