Twitter recently released their new branding, which they have taken in a bold, new direction – losing the logotype. The new Twitter logo is a newly stylized bird that appears to be flying upward. Their new bird is a gentle evolution from the previous, subtly showing a new brand without jumping so suddenly that brand recognition is lost. We are still able to recognize our Twitter bird – he just has a new personality and… Read more »
design & culture
CategoriesDesign in the News: Brooklyn Nets Logo

It pains us to see New Jersey lose one of the few teams that bears its name to New York. (As if the Giants and Jets who actually make their home in New Jersey and are called New York’s isn’t enough.) But what pains us even more, here at desantis creative, is to see the branding of our former team put in the hands of a hip-hop artist and not a designer. While we can… Read more »
Design in the News: Controversial Cigarette Labels

Have you heard about the controversy erupting over the new warning labels that the government has mandated for cigarette packs? According to an article on, a federal law took effect in 2009 that mandated a new and graphic warning label be placed on all cigarette packs. These labels would cover 50% of both the front and back of the cigarette carton. Tobacco companies are also banned from using branded merchandise, sponsoring social events, or… Read more »