We were charged with the task of redesigning the Holiday Express Annual Yearbook. The yearbook is an annual publication reviewing the past season of “Delivering the Gift of Human Kindness”. This year Holiday Express celebrated 20 years of giving to the community. We sought to bring this piece into the branding style we created in the rebranding process for Holiday Express. It allowed us to further develop this brand and create a fun and… Read more »
case studies
Categories“Topdog/Underdog” Show Artwork

“Topdog/Underdog” is the first show in the Two River Theater‘s 2012-2013 Season. We attended the opening on Friday and thought it was very powerful and dynamic. It will be running until September 30th, so get your tickets today before it’s too late! We are proud to be production sponsors of this show! “Topdog/Underdog” is the story of two brothers, named Lincoln and Booth, who find themselves struggling to survive. Lincoln tries to make an honest… Read more »
In This House Show Artwork

“Musical, love and relationships, personal, ephemeral, spiritual, warm, disconnection, loneliness, poignant. In this musical, a young couple dealing with their very different hopes and dreams and visions for the future, crash their car into the wall surrounding an old farm house. There they meet a couple who’ve been married for over 50 years, and have some skeletons of their own, which are revealed through conversations between the two couples.” This is what we had to work with in order… Read more »
Jitney Show Artwork

This month, the Two River Theater is featuring August Wilson’s Jitney. We thought it would be fun to share how we arrived at the artwork you see around town. We started with the title treatment which was featured by itself in the season announcement brochure released last fall. We did some type explorations which played up the timeframe in which the play takes place: 1977. Then we came up with the idea of using a… Read more »