We were notified that, in addition to the GOLD at the Art Director’s Club of New Jersey, we have also won an American Graphic Design Award! Look for us in the upcoming GD USA American Graphic Design Annual. Here’s looking back at this season artwork. The artwork for the 2012-2013 Season of the Two River Theater Company of Red Bank, NJ included what we called a “look again” element.What may appear to be just a… Read more »
CategoriesUPDATE: Promotional Calendar Scores ANOTHER ADDY!

UPDATE 3/28/12: We were just notified that out calendar won ANOTHER GOLD ADDY and will be moving on to the NATIONAL LEVEL! 2/27/12: We’re excited to announce that our 12 Things to Do Before the World Ends Calendar has won a GOLD ADDY from the Canton Ad Federation. As we brainstormed for a Holiday self-promotional, we recalled that according to the Mayan calendar, we’ll be toast come December 21, 2012. So we began compiling a… Read more »